New Connection Watford Triangle - Metropolitan Line
I know a little about this project a few dates for anyone intrested
7 July - Finish south junction track work - The Kirow crane will return to
lift the main pannels currently sitting aroung Croxley Tip and the triangle
10 August - Renew Watford North Junction (closest to Ricky) (it is currently
sitting next to it)
17 August - Renew Watford East Junction (Croxley side)
24 August (Bank Holiday) - South Junction Prep works mainly point machine
31 August - Signalling commisioning
7 Sept + most Sept weekends track rewal on the curve between Croxley moor
park and removal exixitng junction.
Anyone wanting more details I could go on for pages
Thanks for the Info Andy, can you comment on the rumor that only 40% of
the scheduled work was completed during the massive easter shutdown?