On Thu, 10 May 2007, asdf wrote:
On 9 May 2007 17:02:38 -0700, Simon W wrote:
New version is now available:http://www.fxfp.com/lib/tube/
It looked good before and looks even better now. I'm sure the pendants
will be around when the sun rises!
I'm not sure you should use the dot symbol at Baker Street between Met
and Circle/H&C, as it isn't a cross-platform interchange in the usual
sense (of westbound-to-westbound and eastbound-to-eastbound).
Agreed. I'm slightly dubious about Euston too, since at the moment it
looks like there's interchange between the southbound Vic and the
northbound City branch, which there isn't. You could make it look right by
distorting the lines to have them both running through north-south, but
after all the fuss we've had about layout, that seems silly.
Camden Town's not cross-platform?
Also, i personally don't like the look of the dot. What's wrong with just
letting the confluence of lines in one circle show cross-platformity? But
this is an aesthetic choice, and it's Alex's to make.
There is level interchange between all of the following: Circle/H&C P5
(eastbound); Met P2 (through westbound trains from Aldgate); Met P1
(about half of terminating eastbound trains and starting westbound
trains). As for a way of indicating this, however...
The LU way - a dagger and a footnote!
I'm intrigued by Alex's choice to represent Edgware Road as two
unconnected circles with a single name. Physically, it is indeed like
Paddington and Hammersmith, which are handled this way on LU's maps, so
this makes sense, but AIUI, they're not considered a single station from a
ticketing point of view. Would it make sense to show the Shepherd's Bush
stations this way too?
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