Next round of Ticket Office closures announced
On 21 May, 17:11, John B wrote:
So it seems positively *good* to make people who haven't contributed
to any of this, and who also can't be bothered to find out the most
cost-effective and simplest ways of getting around the city they're
visiting (it's not like Oyster cards are only on sale if you can prove
you were born within the Bow Bells), pay a little bit more than the
rest of us.
Not everyone who visits london will know english well enough to
some guy in a ticket office in a noisy station try and explain Oyster
and how
to use it. They probably have their work cut out just trying to ask
for a ticket
to the right station. Ken should experience what its like and should
be sent
to Paris to listen to an oh-so-happy happy Metro ticket assistant to
explain the
difference between Mobilis and Paris Visite tickets in french. Ripping
off tourists
incidentaly is a good way to make sure they don't come back in a
hurry. If
you think thats a good idea then fair enough.