Revenue Protection Inspectors
On May 27, 2:10 pm, traveller
I got on the bus because i didn't hear the 'reject' sound, it's an easy
mistake to make. There was a scrum of people crowding onto the bus, you
have a split second to swipe your card before the person behind you
swipes theirs (it wasn't a 'bendy-bus') However i wasn't aware of the
top-up scheme, so many thanks for pointing that out. I've had to get
off the bus on more than one occaision because there were insufficient
funds on the card, only to have to walk half a mile to the nearest
newsagents to top it up. Perhaps if TFL spent as much money publicising
the top-up schemes available to pay-as-you-go users as they do
threatening people with legal action, the problem would be reduced.
However i'm still curious to know why the Revenue Inspector did not
follow procedure.
Can a Revenue Inspector tell from their reader whether an Oyster is
registered or not? If they can, it might make a difference to the