Time limit for Oyster PayG journey
On 30 May 2007 13:19:22 -0700, Mr Thant
If the ticket inspector stops you on the journey back they may get
suspicious about what you're playing at, although it's not clear if
they're likely to do anything about it.
Would they? ISTR that the Oyster-checking devices used by DLR can
only give a red or green light and don't have any other sort of
display. That being the case, all they can determine is that you've
touched in validly.
(It's notable that the Dutch Strippenkaart specifically allows return
journeys completed within an hour (in practice up to 1h15) from
stamping. Perhaps it would be easier for Oyster to allow it as so few
people are likely to take advantage?)
Neil Williams
Put my first name before the at to reply.