Originally Posted by Richard J.
What you completely fail to acknowledge, apparently, is that it's your
responsibility to ensure that you pay for your journey. If you use a
PAYG Oyster without knowing what the balance is, and neglect to notice
both the red light and the reject bleep, then it's *your fault*. Stop
trying to blame the driver and the revenue inspector for your own
Richard J.
(to e-mail me, swap uk and yon in address)
Remind us all who said the following on another thread:
'There is indeed a coloured light that you could hardly miss if you were
interested in it, but TfL have never
AFAIK told passengers to check that
it changes to green when they touch their Oyster cards on the reader.
In the absence of such advice, it's not surprising that people ignore
this unlabelled light and don't understand its significance.'
Oh that's right, it was YOU wasn't it, 'Richard J.'?! Make your mind up Mr. Self-Righteous!!!