Quick question re out-of-zone Travelcard on Oyster (ping PaulC?)
Dave Newt wrote:
In a recentish thread on here, wherein I was discussing a "Hertford Stns
- Z1-6 Travelcard season £282.70", I asked:
"Rather than having to have it on paper, could I purchase it on Oyster?"
(a) a definitive answer and;
(b) if the answer to (a) is "yes", the right words I need to say to make
the LUL staff issue it
The official line from the Oyster help site:
Can I use Oyster for travel on National Railways outside of zones 1-6?
No. Travelcards on Oyster are currently valid for journeys within zone
1-6 and on the Metropolitan line, (including Chiltern services), north
of Moor Park to Amersham/Chesham and Watford (Met).