Quick question re out-of-zone Travelcard on Oyster (ping Paul C?)
On 10 Jun, 14:01, Paul Corfield wrote:
I think I need to go and ask the question as I'm not sure your quoted
answer from the Oyster site actually answers Mr Newt's question. I have
always understood it to be the case that it is entirely possible to
issue aTravelcardplus out boundary travel from a wide range of LU
stations.HertfordEast was certainly a valid destination when I was
I shall ask the fares office for a position but it may take a few days
for an answer to be provided.
Thanks, Paul. I'm living in Hertford (rather than E17) as of today, so
looks like I'll be on paper for the next month anyway* but this would
be easier and good to find out if it's possible, as it would make
things simpler.
* Though I just discovered last night that there AREN'T any Hertford
East-Broxbourne trains for most of the rest of this month, plus they
are doing all night engineering outside my new bedroom window! :-/
(And thanks to others for the other replies, which are what I
expected, leaving aside asdf's original answer a few weeks ago.)