level crosings on the LUL
A recent thread on a related newsgroup talked about the
Croxley Green branch which has been "cut" by what is
commonly referred to as the "Watford bypass" but which I
believe is just an access road to an industrial estate If
so then a level crossing should easily cope with the rail
and road traffic. The thread went on to mention the
proposal for LUL to take over this branch to run the Met
into Watford High Street/Junction. This got me thinking,
are there any level crossings on the London Underground
(surface lines, obviously). National Rail also have barrow
crossings and pedestrian footpath (and at least one shared
footpath/cyclepath) crossings at rail level but is there
anything similar on the L.U. (including shared Nat. Rail
n.b. Please respond via n.g. (I subscribe to two large
newsgroups so I may be running a few days behind on reading
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