Curiosity about delays
On Jul 5, 11:13 pm, chunky munky
On Jul 5, 9:10 pm, "Nicola Redwood" nicolaexternal-
Just wondering what the average length of delay is across the Tube network.
The Customer Charter allows anyone to claim refunds for a delay of 15
minutes or more. I'm guessing therefore that the overall average would be
lower than this.
On another note, but kinda related - how much extra time do you factor in
for delays whilst travelling to work to ensure you get there in time. I
leave at 8:30am for a journey from Blackhorse Road to Brent Cross to arrive
for 10am and still can often be 5 mins late
There are different forms of delay.
The big one (and in my opinion the truest one) is the NAQS - Lost
Customer Hours. This is how much time of your life is "lost" when
travelling. This also forms a key part of the cost of delays to LUL's
Contractors: Metronet, Tubelines, edf, Connect, Network Rail etc.
The other sort of delay is Initial delay, which LUL usually quote in
their performance stats as being a delay over 15 minutes. These sorts
of delays are not normally within the control of LUL, hence why they
use it. SPADs and Staff Errors can cause delays over 15 mins,whereas
Operator Not Available may only be a few minutes.
Also the Initial Delay is a bit of a con, as it is only the Next train
to the Next station. So for instance an Amersham train from Baker
Street is only going to Wembley as there is no Operator, the next one
would be in 10 or 20 minutes time. The Initial Delay would only be 5
minutes - The next train from Wembley to Harrow.
Also just to add. It is up to the Service Controller (acting as a
Line Controller) or Service Manager is they want to to book a delay,
known as an Item.
The item is given an Initial Delay, as well as any cancellations or
reformed trains, short trippings, suspensions and brief incident
details. This is then given to an LUL Duty Manager or Supervisor to
investigate, and fill in the gaps.
All this data is recorded on a daily performance review called a
Failures & Delays sheet. Contractors look at this to see how much the
guess they will have to pay out each day in penalty abatements.
All the sums to work out costs, lost customer hours are done by a
separate office.
It is not past LUL to change certain LUL delays/cancellations round to
"fiddle" their perfomance statistics!