Reuters announce Chiltern Railways for sale
On Jul 6, 11:36 am, Steve Broadbent wrote:
In article . com,
There are suggestions going round that whilst Chiltern is doing very
well on punctuality etc. there are many problems to do with other "key
performance indicators" linked to retaining the franchise that need
very urgent attention. (suggested as one reason behind the change of
MD recently announced) - so whilst it may seem to be doing very well
it could be that there are issues that need to be resolved elsewhere
in the company that we aren't aware of.
and this weeks Transit magazine shows chiltern's latest financial
figures, indicating that the previous year's decent profit has been
turned into a reasonable loss....
I spy a bank or venture capitalist firm lurking about...!
Chiltern Railways- "Not As Good As We Think We Are"
--- But they are better than some of the rest!