Where have all the RMs gone?
The problem with Ken's scheme was that it was unlawful, and led to its
challenge by Bromley Council (which owed a duty to its ratepayers so to do)
which challenge was, ultimately, upheld by the House of Lords.
What was unlawful about it? I remember Fares Fair and that it was was
withdrawn shortly after being introduced but can't remember why it was
supposedly unlawful.
It was unlawful because the Judicial Committee of the House of Lords said it
was unlawful. It was judicially reviewed by the High Court, then the Court of
Appeal then finally it reached the House of Lords which upheld the original
complaint by Bromley.
In a nutshell, the scheme was unlawful because the ratepayers of Bromley were
being asked to subsidise a transport system to a disproportionate extent from
which they derived little benefit (there being no Underground within the