HLOS - Thameslink rumours from Reuters
Are you expecting a 'land of milk and honey' for transport investment
if the Tories are ever returned to power?
Get real. Their track record (no pun intended) from 1979 to 1997 in
transport investment was just as abysmal as Nu Labour's has been since
The facts speak for themselves there's a huge list of stuff that got
kicked off by the Tories.
ECML electrification, WCML upgrade, Channel Tunnel and rail link,
Docklands, Thameslink, Jubilee Line and Metros in Liverpool,
Newcastle, Sheffield, Manchester, Croydon, Birmingham and Nottingham.
I could go on.....
New Labour has given the go ahead, so far in over ten years, to
precisely nothing.
Were the Tory years milk and honey well from where we are standing now
very definitely yes.
New Labour does not do nuts and bolts they have a feminised Guardian
reading agenda - they're just not interested.