HLOS - Thameslink rumours from Reuters
On Jul 21, 6:17 pm, Anonymouse wrote:
On Sat, 21 Jul 2007 09:49:13 -0700, allan tracy wrote:
New Labour does not do nuts and bolts they have a feminised Guardian
reading agenda - they're just not interested.
Whenever I read the opinion pages of the Guardian, it is very much in
favour of public transport investment. Perhaps you're thinking of the
Daily Mail, which regrettably has far more influence over all the
political parties.
Every newspaper, every party and everyone are in favour of more
investment in public transport, it's converting it into action that
This Labour government, like those before it, shows a bit too much
interest in how we spend National wealth and too little interest in
where that wealth may come from. This results in too much emphasis on
public spending and too little on public investment.
One of my old university lecturers once described to me the difference
between socialism and capitalism. He reckoned that socialism is
arguing about who gets what off the apple tree whereas capitalism is
arguing about how we can grow more trees.