In article , K
On Wed, 29 Oct 2003 09:20:40 +0000, Ian Jelf
I've not seen any figures to prove or disprove this one.
Well, as they've lasted so long, they can't have been that unreliable.
Well, they have been re-engined.
But then a "modular" approach to overhaul was inbuilt to the design,
really, wasn't it?! ;-)
I have more trouble fitting on newer buses than RMs/RMLs. I find them
some of the most comfortable buses I've ever been on.
Not in my experience.
nor mine
in a supposedly world class
capital city.
It *is* a world class capital city.
except for public transport :-(
Despite the constant digs at it, I still find London's public transport
pretty good. This is especially so when compared to other British
Even Paris, often cited as being streets ahead of London in public
transport provision, has nothing like as comprehensive a bus network.
During the evenings and on Sundays it reduces to a very skeletal
(Though the Metro, thanks to ongoing investment, *is* far better than
the London Underground, it serves a smaller area. Now if we could have
had Crossrail at the same time that Paris managed to get its RER.......)
Ian Jelf, MITG, Birmingham, UK
Registered "Blue Badge" Tourist Guide for
London & the Heart of England