On Aug 12, 10:27 pm, "Paul Scott"
I was having a look at your blog last night, stacks of info there, certainly
easier to look things up than on the LU site!
Have you had a chance to look at the recently published NR South London RUS
at all, quite a lot in there to distil, and some interesting stuff about ELL
Phase 1
I had a look last week, but haven't got round to writing anything up,
since none of the suggestions are very concrete.
Also seem to be suggesting that the WLL Southern services run to South Croydon for easier turnrounds.
It's not just Southern - I think they're discussing possible new south
termini for WLL services in general. How these will be paired with
north termini and operators isn't really made explicit.
It looks like last year's 2010 London Overground map is going to be
very off the mark.
A blog about transport projects in London