On Thu, 30 Oct 2003 18:56:43 +0000, Ian Jelf
But I *really* think that London's bus service is unrivalled (the
nearest contenders for its crown I've ever seen are in Berlin and
The difference with Hamburg is that very few buses (other than night
buses) actually run into the centre - 99% of normal city buses feed
the unrivalled U- and S-bahn system, which is without exception the
best I have ever used anywhere - reasonable fares, frequent service
and superb punctuality and reliability figures.
There is a sub-network of express Schnellbusse, on which a supplement
is charged and high-quality seating is provided, most of which run
to/from the centre should anyone require this, but the main idea of
the network is to feed the rail system. Even (in part) in London, and
especially in other parts of the UK, this is not the situation.
Hamburg does, of course, have one thing over London, which is that its
fleet is 100% Mercedes, mostly O405s of various types (mostly
low-floor but some high-floor, and a good few bendies of both types)
and the occasional but increasing Citaro. Despite their somewhat
spartan interior, these buses are vastly superior (as those who have
used the bendies will no doubt agree) to most of the cheap,
poorly-designed, rattly rubbish (Dennis Darts etc) found in London and
throughout the UK. The Schnellbusse, meanwhile, are pure class, with
high-backed, soft seats and bags of legroom.
To be honest, I'm surprised TfL hasn't tried the idea of premium
express bus services - perhaps the issue is that the roads are too
busy for it to be practical? That said, the Schnellbusse (despite the
name) are anything but quick - their real benefit is cutting out
changes, superior comfort and low loadings.
Neil Williams
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