On Aug 24, 7:36 am, Bob wrote:
Conservative Greater London Authority member for Camden and Barnet
Brian Coleman said:
"It is a cover for reducing the service. The service was run
like this in the past and they changed it to increase trains. Why
would it work the other way round?"
1) running the Northern Line as two separate lines would reduce delays
and enhance capacity, as shown both by operational experience and flow
modelling; the only reason this is not already done is because of the
Camden bottleneck.
2) TfL is very, very obviously doing its best within its budget to
maximise capacity and increase throughput across London's transport
network, and I'd defy anyone to produce evidence to the contrary
3) unless he means Yerkes' amalgamation of the C&SLR and the CCE&HR in
1924, which may be a little long ago to be representative, there is no
occasion when "the service was run like this in the past and they
changed it to increase trains".
....and people are thinking of making one of this lot the Mayor?
John Band
john at johnband dot org