Camden Town revisited - many times, many,many times
On Aug 25, 6:44 am, (Mark Brader) wrote:
Ah, but you're assuming everyone currently waits for a direct train,
which half the time will be the second one. The increase in people
changing is balanced perfectly by the reduction in people waiting for
the second train.
It doesn't actually work like that. People prefer through trains,
much as some transit planners would prefer otherwise.
People will also miss the trains they are trying to change to while
stuck in the congestion at Camden. If I was paying for more zones,
I'd rather wait a couple of minutes at Colindale (say) for a through
train, get in a seat and stay in it to Bank (say).
Having to fight my way through crowds at Camden, while missing the
train I'm trying to change to, and then having to spend the rest of
the journey standing (if I can get on) would dramatically reduce the
quality of my journey.
(But a TfL that can introduce bendy buses obviously isn't concerned
about such considerations.)