Easy interchanges in London (Waterloo vs St. Pancras International)
Sarah Brown wrote:
In article .com,
John B wrote:
Agreed that Finsbury Park, Oxford Circus, Euston and Stockwell are all
both good and clever.
But why didn't they go for x-platform at Green Park and Warren
Or Kings Cross. It's a particular bugbear of mine that there's really
no good way for someone arriving at Kings Cross or St Pancras to get
onto the Charing Cross Branch. Surely it wouldn't have been too hard
to arrange things so that the Victoria Line interchanged with the Bank
branch at KX, and the CX branch at Euston? Having cross platform
interchange at Euston with the Bank branch seems a whole lot less
useful than what could have been done.
From KGX there are only two stations on the Charing X branch that
cannot be reached on either another direct line from KGX or by taking
the Victoria to Oxford Circus and using the cross-platform transfer to
the Bakerloo Line there. Of these two stations, Goodge Street is pretty
close to Warren Street, and Tottenham Court Road is pretty close to
Holborn or Leicester Square.
Michael Hoffman