Rotherhithe Tunnel
In message . com of
Thu, 20 Sep 2007 09:03:36 in, Mizter T
The other fact I like about the Rotherhithe Tunnel is that alongside
the 34,000 vehicles that use it daily there are 20 brave pedestrians
who walk through it! I've no idea if the pavement through the tunnel
Where did you find that?
is officially shared by pedestrians and cyclists, but certainly no-one
will begrudge those cyclists who do take this subterranean route for
cycling on the pavement (which is what they do) given the very narrow
of the roadway.
I have walked through it once in each direction. It took me about 15
minutes. I would not recommend it because the pollution seems atrocious.
A dentist friend cycles it daily on his work journey. Cycles sensibly
and illegally use the footpath. I suggest using the wrong footpath as
there are some pretty wide, overhanging vehicles which squeeze through
the 7' 6" width restricting bollards. There are cameras on both
approaches to encourage compliance with the 20 limit.
Both cycling and walking through that Tunnel are some of the more
bizarre entries on my hypothetical 'things I haven't yet done in
London' list.
Walter Briscoe