Maps, with some observations and some questions
On Tue, 25 Sep 2007, Mr Thant wrote:
John Rowland wrote:
There is no name on the blob on the southern end of the station, so I
would suspect it was a goods facility. There is however a Grosvenor
Road Station at the north end of the bridge.
Sorry, south end of the bridge? Comparing the map with the London
Railway Atlas, the blob on the left is in the location of Pimlico
(1858-1860), the pre-Victoria terminus, which begets Battersea Wharf
goods (?-1970). The blob on the right on the through line corresponds to
Battersea Park & Steamboat Pier (1860-1870).
(The current Battersea Park was opened as "York Road" in 1867)
Aha. There we go.
Are you kidding? The hinterland would be quarter park, quarter water
works and half river. There appears not to be a single building which is
not nearer to another station.
Oops. I had failed to notice Grosvenor Road station at the north end of
the bridge; i was thinking it would be useful for the swathe of Pimlico
and Chelsea nearer to Chelsea Bridge than Victoria.
I've just noticed that there was also a canal running from Chelsea Bridge
to Victoria. Shame that's not still there, it could be rather nice.
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