Overcrowding at Kings Cross St Pancras
On Sep 27, 11:13 pm, "Marķa" wrote:
probably a daily commuter who has to put up with a shoddy service that
treats its customers like trash but charges them a fortune, day after day.
Exactly. I had to renew my monthly oyster today - 127 quid. Bargain.
Not. Got on the train along with the other 200 odd people waiting on
the platform (presumably yet another rush hour cancellation) , train
went halfway to the next station and stopped. 5 minutes later we were
still stopped. Did the driver give us any info? Oh please. No doubt he
was too busy writing a fan letter to Uncle Bob and inquiring about
their next strike.
I wouldn't mind if this only happened occasionally , but it happens
every damn day at some point on the journey either going in or coming
home. And no I'm not exaggerating. I am however absolutely f*cking
sick of it.