"John Rowland" wrote in message
"CJC" wrote in message
Kennington Charing Cross branch.
Isn't there a loop at kennington?
Yes. So? The train still has to be cleared with the following train
behind it, just as it would at Paddington Crossrail
LUL trains don't have an enclosed gangway between their very closely coupled
cars, and significant gaps can open up between them on sharp curves through
which a human could fall, the major factor in how the unfortunate gentleman
at Liverpool Street met his end. Modern mainline rolling stock by contrast
has enclosed corridor connections, so it can be made nearly impossible for
someone to fall out of a moving train (certainly no more in a siding move
than anywhere in normal passenger service). As long as such standards are
followed , and the move to a reversing siding is protected to full passenger
signalling standards (TCs clear, FPLs bolted, flank traps and forward train
protection proved in place) then I can see no reason a case couldn't be made
not to fully check the train before proceding, as long as a walk through is
carried out once berthed in the siding and a safe procedure for removing
people found is in place.