thoss wrote:
At 14:23:28 on Tue, 16 Oct 2007 Paul Terry opined:-
In message ,
Are there/were there? Any plans to extend the Central Line past West
The original (pre-war) plan was to continue two stations further -
Harefield Road and Denham. Post-war greenbelt legislation restricted
housing development, and thus potential passengers, in the area, so
this final part of the westward extension was never built.
I have a street atlas* with a map that shows it as existing. Denham is
there, but no station at Harefield Road.
* Bartholomew's Reference Atlas of Greater London, 1940
Remember that it was being extended along the alignment of the GW&GC Joint
line, which is, probably, what is shown on the street atlas, altough it is
true that many anticipatory maps were drawn including many of LT's internal
Cheers for now,
John from Harrow, Middx
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