English Democrat Party supports Garry Bushell for London Mayor
On Oct 21, 3:51 pm, Boltar wrote:
On Oct 21, 12:56 pm, MIG wrote:
Who did that? I didn't respond to your chucking about phrases like
"sucking up to ethnics" by accusing you of anything. I was referring
to your comments about what mainstream parties should do to prevent
small far-right parties popping up.
Your suggestion seems to be that they should suck up the far right
more than they do, thereby annexing their niche.
So which bit of "stop sucking up to ethnics" = "suck up to the far
right"? Or is anyone or anything in your right-on multi-culti world
who doesn't approve of treating minorities as special cases a nazi?
The far right only get *any* vote because they pick up on issues that
concern a large amount of people though this simple fact seems to be
lost on the dozy armchair socialists who decry them.
Yes the issues are real. One thing the Nazis were known for was
scapegoating specific groups for genuine problems that affect people.
The problems stay the same, like housing and health, but the
scapegoats change.
So do you think it's a good or bad thing that far right parties get
votes by blaming asylum-seekers or Poles, while the actual problems
are not addressed? I thought initially you were suggesting that it
was bad.