Heathrow T4 to close
I did indeed mean the T5 tube extension and not T5 itself!
Just been all through the TFL/tube website and I can't find any reference
about it, so if it IS there, then it is hidden well - yup!
"Graham J" wrote in message
I heard a rumour (yeah, I know..) that Heathrow T4 tube will close
the end of the year, as work then begins on T5. Is this true?
Anyone know
anymore on this or have i been misinformed?
It may or may not be true but it isn't completely ridiculous either.
I believe closure was proposed for April this year but that it then
slipped to October/November and must presumably have slipped again. I
would have thought that if there was a firm date it would be splatted
on the TfL site somewhere but it doesn't seem to be, but then the TfL
site does like to hide information so you never know.
It would be the T5 tube extension not T5 itself, of course, as
construction on T5 has been going on for ages.