Euston Station Underground upgrade a joke.
On 5 Nov, 12:45, whos2091 wrote:
Its horrifically ugly. And its so badly designed that it naturally
attracts druggies and tramps around the front, making it one of the
least inviting stations to arrive at. And inside is hardly any better,
so devoid of architectural quality that there is little to describe it
except "large empty box with shops round the outside".
The inside of the station is very good - it has been allowed to become
cluttered with island shops and some quite inappropriate frontages (eg
the pub inside the station - The Britannia, is it called?) and some of
the less commonly used areas are not kept clean. This is a shame, but
the main hall is a very impressive piece of architecture and the
station does work well (far better than, say, Victoria).
If you took the shops out of Victoria it would be a thousand times
more impressive.
Besides, impressiveness is worthless if it still leaves Euston at the
intrinsically ugly monstrosity that it is.