Tom Anderson wrote:
On Mon, 12 Nov 2007, Mizter T wrote:
(Flickr's amazing/bizarre - someone always seems to have taken a photo
of the thing you want to look at and actually uploaded it and tagged it
- at least this often seems to be the case with regards to London
transport... er, 'things' !).
It's not that bizarre - i take pictures of interesting things and upload
them, and there are millions of other nerds like me, so why not?
[1] Well, i think they're interesting:
What I really meant to convey was that the whole phenomenon is a bit
bizarre - or perhaps that should just read novel - as opposed to the
people who do it. Though undoubtedly a few of them are a bit bizarre
as well!
I guess also there's a bit of me that finds it mildly unnerving that
there are some many nerds out there! Of course, I am one as well, I
suppose - well, I've got to be, posting here, right?!
The other perhaps more serious point is that I'm always very aware
that Flickr, like other online 'communities', is a self-selecting,
partial and somewhat unrepresentative window on the world. Which I
realise is a statement so broad as to be pretty much meaningless, but
I'd struggle to articulately expand on that whilst still staying
relatively concise. So I'm not going to.
But yes, you're quite right - I am interested by your Flickr gallery -
in fact I have in the past had a virtual wander around it when you
linked to something on there from here, because I'm nosey like that.
You look very fetching as a Princess, though I can't say I'm wildly
impressed with your geographical awareness of south London! I should
get on the Flickr case myself.