Heathrow T4 to close
Roland Perry wrote in message ...
In message , Geoff Marshall
In answer to your enquiry, Terminal 4 station is expected to be closed from
January 2005 for around 20 months, to allow construction of a junction in
the area to extend the Piccadilly Line to Terminal 5.
Is the junction being built by one man and a dog (and only the man has a
shovel)?? Almost two years, to build a junction???
Why is anyone surprised? This is par for the course with anything to do with
london underground (and frankly britain in general these days). There are
probably so many legal, contractual and health and safety hoops to jump
through its a wonder anything gets done at all sometimes. Anyway , bear in
mind this is the same organisation that had to close the central line for
months and takes 6 months to get a single escalator rebuilt.