On Mon, 10 Dec 2007, Mizter T wrote:
On 10 Dec, 21:39, "Peter Smyth" wrote:
"Tom Anderson" wrote:
Does anyone know for sure what's happening in terms of trains and buses?
If you look at the page for Norwich http://www.onerailway.com/latest_inf...07_engineering...
it shows the buses from Colchester to Liverpool St given by the NR planner.
I guess One are trying to spread the load over different routes
although it seems a bit sneaky to not tell people about all the
possible alternatives.
I came across a similar situation a few years back on a Norwich to
London journey. Information gleaned from two calls to NRE, a
consultation of the NR WAP site and a conversation with someone else
doing that journey resulted in me being confused!
I though we were to get tipped out of the train at Ingatestone (or was
it Shenfield - I can't remember!), on to a bus to a station closer
somewhere else, then back on a train to get into Liverpool Street. In
fact when I got to Ingatestone all the London-bound passengers were
herded on to a coach direct to Liverpool Street. I think I could have
got a bus then got back on the train, but I opted for the easy way.
Not surprised. This sounds like an all-too-typical British railway
So the OP might have to be on the ball when they get to Ingatestone if
they want to get to Newbury Park. Presumably, technically speaking if he
wants to get on the rail replacement bus to Newbury Park tube station
he'd need a rail ticket valid for at least some of the journey beyond
Ingatestone - but I doubt anyone would check his ticket before they let
him on the bus.
I'd have one anyway, seeing as how i want to get to Swindon at the end of
.... to build a space elevator, that's got to be hundreds of thousands
of pounds ... -- Mike Froggatt