New "small" LUL ticket machines
On Dec 12, 1:10 pm, John B wrote:
On 12 Dec, 11:56, Boltar wrote:
They take cards, don't they? As such, they're significantly easier
than anything relying on obsolete metal-based payment solutions...
Ah , you're an endless source of amusement sometimes.
That "obselete metal based payment" is a shed load quicker that using
a credit card and when theres a large queue of people that matters. A
Let's have a ticket machine race at a NR or LUL station of your
choice. I'll pay card, you can pay cash (notes, requiring change,
obviously). We'll see what the difference is...
I wouldn't use notes unless I had no choice, besides which you said
"metal". Last time I looked notes weren't. Even so , they'd still be
quicker than a card for small amounts. Obviously if you were buying a
100 quid long distance ticket thats different.
In the real world, the process of using a card in a supermarket is
just as quick as paying cash, given people's annoying habit of
requiring change and/or not counting out the right money in
There is that , on the other hand the number of people who can't find
their cards or can't remember the PIN when they do is quite mind