On Fri, 14 Dec 2007 12:58:51 -0000, "Peter Masson"
"solar penguin" wrote
Maybe they're trying to avoid a Stratford-style mess of random
platform numbers. When the Kent services start, it would be nice if
_all_ the High Level platforms could be numbered from 1 to [whatever],
in order.
AIUI they will be. 1-4 for EMML; 5-10 for E*; 11-13 for Kent.
There were some here who advocated renumbering for the whole KXStP complex
in a single sequence.
Indeed, and some alternative names for the complex were suggested as
far back as April 2002:
John Rowland suggested "London Elizabeth" (I think that would have to
wait until she dies) and Richard J. memorably suggested "Agincourt"