St P.I..L.L Impressions.
In article ,
Graeme Wall wrote:
In message
"Peter Masson" wrote:
"solar penguin" wrote
Maybe they're trying to avoid a Stratford-style mess of random
platform numbers. When the Kent services start, it would be nice if
_all_ the High Level platforms could be numbered from 1 to [whatever],
in order.
AIUI they will be. 1-4 for EMML; 5-10 for E*; 11-13 for Kent.
There were some here who advocated renumbering for the whole KXStP complex
in a single sequence.
Why not start at Paddington and work round clockwise. My train to
Southampton will leave from platform 42...
You'd have to leave some slack for development. How about starting at 1
or 0) at Paddington, 100 at Marylebone, 200 at Euston, 300 and StP, 400
at KX and so on. Depending on how you count, Sotons could be leaving
from platform 1000-and-something.