Where have all the RMs gone?
In message , Neil Williams
[1] As an aside, those machines seem not to be too reliable; I've seen
a number of people using violence against them to try and get
"swallowed-up" money back. Seeing as they're based on parking
machines which generally seem quite reliable (IMX), this needs dealing
My (limited) experience watching people use the machines is that they
don't read the instructions and expect them to dispense tickets anyway.
In many cases, they will try to put their money in first, which is
immediately rejected as a ticket type hasn't been selected. They don't
realise the money is in the reject tray and select their ticket anyway.
Then they look at the machine for a while until they realise their money
is in the reject tray. Of course, when they start this process again,
they put the money back in and the machine promptly issues the ticket
from their last selection.
Steve Fitzgerald has now left the building.
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