St P.I..L.L Impressions.
Roland Perry wrote:
The shops I've been in are very small (M&S last Friday was so full you
literally couldn't get through the door).
In contrast, the M&S Circle unit is currently a rare breed in that it is
*never* busy, mainly because hardly anyone walks along Pancras Road to
get to Euston Road these days. On occasion M&S do give out
leaflets/vouchers in order to boost awareness but they could do more.
The WHS is in a part of the station where the structure only allows a
small footprint per shop. Maybe the master plan is a bit broken?
There will be a sizeable WHSmith unit in the Circle when it opens next
year. From that point it will be interesting to see how many visitors
use the Circle until:
1) Southeastern move into StP (it will have been 4.5 years since Govia
last ran services to/from the station, although you can't compare
Thameslink to this ;-) );
2) The Northern Ticket Hall at KXSP opens for service.