Oyster at Euston Platform 7
On 20 Dec, 13:30, " wrote:
Does anyone know if there is an oyster reader hidden somewhere at
platform 7 or on the main concourse at Euston?
Yesterday I was on a later train than usual (08:20 something I think)
and it arrived at platform 7.
The only stand alone validator is on platform 17.
But I couldn't see an oyster reader anywhere. In the end I had to go
down to the 8-11 platforms and "touch out" on the gate there. To add
insult to injury, that detour (which wasn't that easy to do as I was
going against the flow when I was going down to the gateline) cost me
an extra 50p. It was so tempting just not to bother.
Although I wasn't continuing on to the underground, had I just touched
in on the underground without touching out from the overground would
that still have counted as a continuation of my journey?
Two "touch ins" without an intermediate "touch out" would result in
the first journey being unresolved.
Using the manual gate validator at Euston Underground would be ok as
it would just continue the journey.
Euston platforms 1-8 & 13-16 , Wembley Central platforms 3-6, West
Ruislip car park exit, and St Pancras International High Level (when
diverted to) are the places that I know of where it is impossible to
validate correctly.