Oyster at Euston Platform 7
On Dec 20, 1:30 pm, "
Does anyone know if there is an oyster reader hidden somewhere at
platform 7 or on the main concourse at Euston?
Yesterday I was on a later train than usual (08:20 something I think)
and it arrived at platform 7.
But I couldn't see an oyster reader anywhere. In the end I had to go
down to the 8-11 platforms and "touch out" on the gate there. To add
insult to injury, that detour (which wasn't that easy to do as I was
going against the flow when I was going down to the gateline) cost me
an extra 50p. It was so tempting just not to bother.
I've e-mailed London Midland asking them about this and had no
response back so far. It is especially a problem at weekends when all
trains have used Platform 7 on a Sunday for the last two weeks due to
work on the slow lines. I too can find no reader for platforms 7 and
12 (the two most commonly used ones).
Interestingly, I've now had my oyster card "inspected" twice on London
Midland. The inspection consisted of me holding up my oystercard
wallet and saying "oystercard". The guard didn't even want to see if
there was an oystercard in my wallet, let alone have any equipment to
read it.
I have had my Oyster checked with a reader once last week on London
Midand and so they do now have at least one handheld validator!!