The East London Line is dead... Long live the East London Line
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Mizter T writes
If you look elsewhere on that District Dave forum thread then you'll
read reports of how some 'enthusiasts' on the recent 1938TS tour of the
ELL behaved in what sounds like a pretty appallingly bad fashion. Maybe
some of the drivers didn't want to turn the last day into a circus with
such individuals clowning about.
In the short time I was about yesterday, I noted one individual who just
wandered through the barriers at Whitechapel to try to get his picture.
When told to get back on the platform his response was that it *is* the
last day - as if that should matter.
Later at New Cross Gate, another (I assume different, although I
wouldn't swear to it) was sat right on the edge of the platform trying
to take a picture of an approaching train. He exclaimed surprise that
the driver was sat outside the platform whistling. He only moved when
others pointed out that the driver was waiting to get in. He was so
close that had the train come in to the platform there was a good chance
of him getting hit.
We gave up and went to the pub at this point.
With this type of attitude to safety, I'm not surprised that staff get
annoyed. I've had similar things happen myself and we (LUL staff) all
know someone who has had a fatal one-under, which is frequently due to
Steve Fitzgerald has now left the building.
You will find him in London's Docklands, E16, UK
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