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Old December 24th 07, 05:00 PM posted to,uk.railway
Spyke Spyke is offline
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First recorded activity at LondonBanter: Jul 2003
Posts: 104
Default The East London Line is dead... Long live the East London Line

Steve Fitzgerald wrote:
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EE507 writes
I believe the original plan was to run the 4-car 1938TS in public
service, but the unions refused to allow it and LU was unable to
persuade them.

Why did they object? Was it to be driven by a non-union member?

I wonder if the union actually asked the drivers...

All this talk about unions is a red herring. It was nothing to do with
them and they haven't objected to anything to my knowledge.

Apologies, this was the information I heard, but it appears that it was
incorrect and the platform heights were the major issue.

It's a shame it didn't run, it would have been interesting to see what
the 'normal' passengers made of having the 1938 stock forming their
train. (Having said that, If I was the LT Museum, I'm not sure I'd want
some of the ELL's 'customers' anywhere near my nice train!).