On Wed, 2 Jan 2008 18:41:49 -0000, "Lew 1"
Yes, I thought so too -- maybe they were designed more for TV than
spectators? For example, all the stuff on the river wouldn't have been
visible to anyone who wasn't right on the bank, but was great on TV.
They were certainly "low level" ones, and did look impressive on the Beeb -
though perhaps not quite as impressive as last years, which I remember
thinking were spectacular. Unless my few shandy's had impaired my thinking!
I have only bee in in central London for new years once, pre
Millenium... never again!
Compared with the Sydney display, they were poor, in my view. TV
cameras wrongly placed, so that all you saw was smoke, and too close
so that you had frequent switches of view. The Channel Ten pictures
that Sky News showed live were far superior, with aerial views and
long shots.
Terry Harper
Website Coordinator, The Omnibus Society