Bus Passes?
On 2 Jan, 16:16, Mizter T wrote:
On 2 Jan, 13:51, Paul Corfield wrote:
However the London bus network is very comprehensive so it's still very
easy to get around and can often be quicker than the tube as there are
no long treks down stairs and escalators to platforms and bus stops are
often closer to where people want to go to.
Though it's sometime hard to convince even born and bred Londoners
that this can sometimes be the case!
In addition to what Paul said, it's also well worth noting that many
bus routes are very frequent - and London's bus services have improved
vastly over the past 10 years.
As a semi-regular visitor to London for business and leisure, I have
no doubt that the above is true. However the main reason I almost
never use London buses is the difficulty in recognising my
destination, especially in busy periods, bad weather or darkness.
Unless one is very familiar with the geography of London or uses a
given bus route regularly, it's much easier to recognise the necessary
stop on the tube, find the right exit from the station and then
identify one's eventual destination from a map or directions provided
by the destiation from the nearest tube.
Steve Adams