Thames Speed Restrictions
On Thu, 03 Jan 2008 13:26:40 +0000, Offramp
There are IMO two big problems with commuting by boat. One is the price.
I wish it would all be travelcard-related. The other is the stoppins at
each stop time, especially in bad weather. It takes quite a while to get
one of these boats properly moored up. I don't have a solution for that
- but I suppose people have been thinking about that for 10,000 years.
Perhaps there are other examples but I'm always amazed about the
services on Lake Zurich. Both problems you mention are solved there,
although is a lake less affected by weather than a tidal river? Or
are they mooring in a way that some other countries wouldn't allow in
passenger service? (Not suggesting that they are.)
I didn't think a ship could leave anywhere, even Switzerland, at
exactly 1341 - I was wrong (and so were the people running for it!).