Railcard discount on Oyster
In message of Thu, 3 Jan 2008 21:05:30 in
uk.transport.london, Lew 1 writes
I assume, then, that the new cap comes into force immediately?
Yes, it seems to have done so.
For anyone intending to go through this process, let me just let you know
what my experience of it was today.
[snipped long story about difficulty in adding railcard to Oyster card]
Moral of the story? If you want to attempt to add your railcard onto your
oyster be prepared to argue your point, have the relevant page in the
leaflet to hand, have plenty of time to spare - and I would guess try to use
a station with multiple ticket windows. It's not an experience I want to go
through again.
Please complain in as much detail as you can. I suggest you make a
conflated complaint. I would start at
http://www.tfl.gov.uk/contact/default.aspx. I would avoid
https://www.tfl.gov.uk/tfl/contact/overground/default.aspx because it
lacks a confirmation email checkbox and it is easy for you and TfL both
to forget the contact.
https://www.tfl.gov.uk/tfl/contact/tube/default.asp has a "Tick if you
would like a confirmation email sent to you?" checkbox.
You might alternatively try speaking to the station supervisor. I have
had mixed experience in doing that when I found something wrong with a
My belief is that the problem is a lack of training in the new
procedures. It is often fruitless to complain, but it is better than
doing nothing.
If you believe your formal complaint is not adequately handled , you can
follow up via Travel Watch: http://www.londontravelwatch.org.uk/ who
have either resolved an issue or satisfactorily explained it for me.
I am currently trying to chase the absence of confirmation checkboxes at
most of the "contact us" forms with Travel Watch. I made a complaint and
saved its body in a text file. When I got no response after just over a
month, I reported the matter as an example of the inadequacy of the
system. I await a response. http://www.tfl.gov.uk/contact/4417.aspx
has "Complaints policy and procedure
We will do our best to send you a full written response within 10
working days. If we cannot give you a full answer in this time, we will
send you an acknowledgement within two working days and a full written
response within 15 working days."
Moaning here is fun, but I prefer to complain where there is more chance
of getting things fixed. YMMV.
Walter Briscoe