"K" wrote in message
You just said Oxford Street shouldn't have any buses then you said it
should have free shuttle buses. Or did I misunderstand you?
What I said was that bus routes should not go along Oxford Street. It's
virtually nose-to-tail with lightly loaded buses crawling along, held up by
traffic lights and pedestrian crossings, then waiting to get on the stand at
their own stops.
If they either crossed Oxford Street, or ran parallel, the street could be
made pedestrian, and a shuttle could run along the street, maybe one of the
"train toastrack" variety, for anyone who didn't want to walk along the
shops. You could probably save 4 or 5 buses on each service with the
reduction in delays.
Terry Harper, Web Co-ordinator, The Omnibus Society
URL: http://www.terry.harper.btinternet.co.uk/