Wimbledon - East Putney engineering works
"Mizter T" wrote in message
Presumably this will all be a bit harder to organise if/when TfL take
responsibility for the line at some time in the future, such as at SSL
My understanding was that when the Putney to Wimbledon stretch was
handed over to LUL at privatisation, there was an agreement reached
with regards to continuing 'National Rail' use of the line - and it is
under this agreement that SWT makes use of the line for diversionary
purposes. Given that SWT do find it a valuable route (as demonstrated
by the use they'll be making of it at Easter), one can't see them (or
the DfT) being keen on ending that agreement. Therefore, the onus
would seem to fall on LUL ensuring that any future resignalling on
this line can accommodate National Rail trains.
There was a discussion recently that quoted TfL as saying SWT wouldn't be
allowed on the line after resignalling unless they fitted all their stock
(that might need to use the line) with trip cocks...