Picc Line train indicators display Heathrow Term 5
On 23 Jan, 22:06, Roland Perry wrote:
In message
, at
12:27:50 on Wed, 23 Jan 2008, D7666 remarked:
then catch their Ryanair flight to Vienna's Bratislava airport.
Aawwwww now you were doing well with this windup until you said Vienna
According to Google Maps, it's 3 minutes quicker to get from Bratislava
airport to Vienna, than Stansted to London.
Roland Perry
Now you're spoiling all the fun! It isn't as far though:
Bratislava airport to Vienna - 54.3 miles
Stansted to London - 38.2 miles
Incidentally Google Maps has seemingly decided to buck the convention
of measuring distances to London from the (original) Charing Cross and
chooses Parliament Square as the endpoint for a generic London
I'm tempted to say that you could do London - Stansted somewhat
faster, though I know that Essex police are quite keen on their speed
cameras up the M11. Of course in heavy traffic you can also do it
somewhat slower!
Anyway, what is Ryanair's most ridiculous 'renamed' destination