"JNugent" wrote in message
Jonn Elledge wrote:
The same applies to public transport. People need it to live. Not
every can - or can afford - to drive. (And some of us fall into
both categories...)
People manage to get by in many of the more remote areas of the UK
where there is little or no public transport.
And we are all descended from people who were alive (not so many
back) before there was ever any concept of public transport run by the
state, at a time when the only form of PT was the stagecoach.
It *may* in many circumstances provide a useful service,
but to say that people need it to live is ludicrous.
Well, hyperbole, anyway.
True, I was being a bit over the top for effect, but my point remains. Sure,
two hundred years ago people could and did get by with no other transport
than their own feet. But the way the economy works these days it just
wouldn't be possible for a lot of people - jobs aren't near enough to homes.
Unless that changes, we need PT - and we need it to work.