London Buses & Diversions
On Sat, 2 Feb 2008 09:49:07 -0800 (PST), Paul Weaver
On Feb 2, 12:39 pm, Paul Corfield wrote:
On Sat, 2 Feb 2008 04:19:44 -0800 (PST), Railist
If a diversion is implemented due to planned works such as water main
replacement then buses DO stop on the diversion. I had a row with
London Buses when buses would not stop on a planned diversion in my
area. In one instance I was held hostage on a bus that refused to let me
off until it regained its line of route.
Had the bus stopped? I avoid them like the plague, but I'm fairly sure
they have "in emergency pull to open door" levers.
When they were digging the tunnel for the pedestrian link at Walthamstow
Central many routes were diverted off their normal line of route.
Passengers were specifically advised to leave the tube at Blackhorse Rd
to catch the diverted routes. I had had a battle to persuade the driver
(of a 275) to let me board the bus at BHR. The stop I wanted was on the
diversion rather than the Bell Corner where I'd normally alight if the
buses were running normally. The driver completely ignored all of my
protestations and my TfL Staff Pass - he was basically an ignorant git
IMO. The passengers thought I was in the wrong judging from their smiles
and tut tutting. Unfortunately I was right and they were all wrong. I
had no opportunity to use the door emergency open as the bus was never
in a safe position to do so. If I had tried that then the driver would
have had a defence for his ignorance and appalling attitude and I'm sure
the passengers would have been even more convinced I was a trouble maker
and the driver was an angel simply trying to do his job.
I rang London Buses who agreed that my understanding of the situation
was correct. They put out a radio bulletin, to the affected Arriva
routes advising of the diversion and the stopping requirements, while I
was on the phone to them. When I wrote in I demanded that the driver be
suitably reprimanded as a result of his failure to do his job correctly.
Personally I would have preferred he was sacked.
Paul C
Admits to working for London Underground!