The UK march agaimst Bush
I don't believe Bush is evil. I do believe he's potentially a bigger threat
to world security. After all, we already _know_ he has access to Weapons of
Mass Destruction.
"Mait001" wrote in message
The fetaured link states:-
" March to Trafalgar Square where a statue of George Bush will be pulled
This event will continue until 7pm to allow for people coming from work.
If there is only one STOP BU$H event that you can make - this is the one."
Presumably these vile and odious morons actually believe George Bush is
evil than Saddam.
Just WHAT are they trying to stop Bush form doing? Presumably they'd like
have Saddam back - George Galloway eat your heart out!
And don't forget that Ken will be spending our hard--earned taxes on
entertaining some of these "anti Bush/ Blair" no-hopers!
Pity those of us trying to EARN a living and trying to get around the
instead of planning and going on demonstrations that will achieve
Load of timewasters - a pox on all their houses.